
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
WeCAHN Cattle Health Update: Zoonotic Diseases of Cattle
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Dr. Sylvia Checkley, veterinarian, epidemiologist and associate professor in ecosystem and public health at the University of Calgary, discusses the diseases of cattle that can be transmitted to people (zoonotic diseases). These should be on the radar for anyone working regularly with cattle or calves - producers and veterinarians alike.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
WeCAHN Small Flock Poultry Health Update: Infectious Laryngotracheitis
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an important disease that commonly affects backyard poultry flocks leading to significant illness and potentially mortalities within flocks. Dr. Teryn Girard, a poultry veterinarian, speaks with us to provide some excellent information on ILT, including common clinical signs, how to diagnose this disease, and some ways to prevent this infection and other diseases from infecting poultry.
Dr. Girard works with Prairie Swine Health Services and spends a significant portion of her time providing veterinary support to the poultry group within Cargill Animal Nutrition in Western Canada.
Links of Interest:
WeCAHN Smallholder resources
WeCAHN Poultry Network
WeCAHN Overview ILT Regulation and Diagnostics by Province

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
If you are raising backyard pigs, heritage pig breeds, or swine in any type of alternative production setting, you need to tune into this WeCAHN swine producer update! Dr. Jessica Law, a swine veterinarian in Alberta, shares tips on disease threats that are specific to pigs raised in alternate production systems, how to set up a biosecurity and herd health plan for your herd, and how to connect with veterinary experts to help you raise healthy pigs from the start. You'll also learn about a major disease that threatens all pigs in Canada, and ways you can protect your pigs from this infection - African Swine Fever.

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
African Swine Fever WeCAHN Veterinary Update
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
African Swine Fever is a disease threat to ALL pigs in Canada - including those raised in backyard, hobby, heritage breed or smaller scale production settings. For veterinarians in western Canada who treat swine in these alternative production settings, Dr. Jessica Law, a swine veterinarian, provides a need-to-know update on ASF, including details about this disease's clinical presentations, first CFIA contacts, and how to communicate risk factors for ASF infection to your clients.
Links of Interest:
Canadian Pork Council ASF resources for producers and veterinarians
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association webinars with CFIA
Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network – Webinars accessed through library login: https://www.cwshin.ca/
Canadian Pork Council ASF Handouts
Explanation of CanSpot ASF from Ontario Animal Health Laboratory
Explanation of CanSpot ASF from National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council
CanSpot ASF Participating labs:
MAPAQ laboratory in Quebec
Ontario Animal Health Laboratory
Prairie Diagnostic Services
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Agri-Food Laboratories
BC Animal Health Center.

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
WeCAHN Swine Veterinary Primer
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
For veterinarians in mixed or other types of veterinary practice, requests to provide care for pigs in backyard or smaller-scale production settings can be challenging. In this episode, Dr. Jessica Law, from Prairie Swine Veterinary Services in Alberta, reviews diseases of interest and some other important considerations for veterinarians who may be providing veterinary care for these pigs in the western provinces.
Links of Interest:
British Columbia Pork Manual
Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians Webinars
Text books:
Diseases of Swine: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119350927
Pig Health: https://www.amazon.ca/Pig-Health-John-Carr/dp/1498704727
Webinars and Documents:
National Hog Farmer Webinars
Pig Progress Webinars
Pig 333
Canadian Pork Council Biosecurity
Canadian Pork Council ASF hand outs
Canadian Swine Health Board Videos
Manitoba Pork, On farm disease prevention
American Association of Swine Veterinarians

WeCAHN podcasts:
As one of a number of resources for animal health surveillance, WeCAHN produces podcasts covering current topics in animal health and disease surveillance in western Canada. For more information on the WeCAHN animal health surveillance networks and their activities and resources, visit wecahn.ca